7000 Islands® promotes sociability and a positive drinking culture on our Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, You Tube social media channels.

We value 'respect' and 'community'. When posting and sharing your views, comments and original content please keep the below guidelines in mind:

  • 'User Generated Content' or posts which breach any standards for alcohol advertising as set out by the 'ABAC Scheme(see below) are not permitted and will be removed
  • Posts which promote excessive consumption or alcohol consumption by minors are not permitted and will be removed immediately
  • Comments or material that could be considered defamatory, offensive, misleading, discriminatory, hateful, unlawful or threatening are not permitted
  • Personal attacks, trolling, and abuse will not be tolerated under any circumstances
  • Whilst we accept debate, dissent and criticism of our business, we will not allow persistent misrepresentation and abuse
  • Spamming, posting promotional material or posting links to third party websites is not permitted without conent
  • We reserve the right to remove any comments that do not abide by these rules and to block any repeat offenders

UGC House Rules

ABAC stands for Alcohol Beverages Advertising Code (ABAC) Scheme in Australia, and sets standards via a 'Responsible Alcohol Marketing Code' (the Code) to which 7000 Islands complies with as a responsible company that markets alcohol in Australia.

All content on our website, including 'User Generated Content' (UGC) posted by users of the site, must comply with the Code to ensure all our marketing communications are socially responsible. Accordingly all content posted by users of this site must comply with the following rules.

Any content that does not comply with the Rules will be removed and may result in de-registration from this site.

  • It must not encourage the excessive or rapid consumption of an alcohol beverage, misuse or abuse of an alcohol beverage or consumption inconsistent with the Australian Alcohol Guidelines
  • It must not encourage irresponsible or offensive behaviour that is related to the consumption or presence of an alcohol beverage
  • It must not challenge or dare people to consume an alcohol beverage
  • It must not encourage the choice of a particular alcohol beverage by emphasising its alcohol strength or intoxicating effect
  • It must not have strong or evident appeal to minors
  • It must not show minors unless they are shown incidentally in a natural situation where there is no implication they will consume or serve alcohol
  • It must not suggest that the consumption or presence of alcohol beverages can change a mood or environment;
  • It must not show the consumption or presence of alcohol beverages as leading to personal, business, social, sporting, sexual or other success;
  • It must not imply or suggest that an alcohol beverage shown as part of a celebration was a cause of the success or achievement;
  • It must not suggest that the consumption of alcohol beverages offers any therapeutic benefit or is a necessary aid to relaxation;
  • It must not show the consumption of alcohol beverages before or during any activity that for safety reasons requires a you to be alert or physically co-ordinated, such as the control of a motor vehicle, boat or machinery or swimming;

Our Community Guidelines was last updated on 13 May 2023.